floating point math functions are provided in the library


is_nan check if x is a valid floating point number
sqrt find square root of x
ln find natural logarithm of x
exp raise e to the power of x (convert natural logarithm to number)
log find logarithm of x (Base 10)
alog find antilog of x (raise 10 to the power of x)
power raise x to the power of y (where x is float and y is integer)
sin find sin of x (where x is in radians)
cos find cosin of x (where x is in radians)
tan find tan of x (where x is in radians)
asin find arcsin of x (the result is in radians)
acos find arccos of x (the result is in radians)
atan find arctan of x (the result is in radians)
factorial find factorial of x
binomial_coefficient find binomial coefficient of n and r