Arithmetic DIVISION Operator

The / operator is a binary (infix) arithmetic DIVISION operator. The / operator expects an integer right hand operand and an integer left hand operand. If either operand is a string, it will be automatically coerced to an integer before the DIVISION operator is applied.

The / integer DIVISION operator truncats any fractional component of its result and returns only an integer. The MODULUS operator returns the remainder of the integer division N / M

	((N / M) * M) + (N % M) == N



	<left_expr> / <right_expr>

<left_expr> and <right_expr> are refered to as the left and right operand respectively and may themselves be simple values or complex expressions.

	0x1234 / 16			yields 0x123

	10 / 3				yields 3

	(5 + 7) / 8			yields 1